Friday independent activity
We end the week practising adding these larger equal groups. This is called repeated addition and is the starting point for understanding multiplication. Using drawings of the groups can help us with counting up the total. Some of you may be able to count up in the larger group amounts, others will still count in ones; both ways are fine.
Please try to complete the tasks from the pdf document, through discussion or written in the back of your green book. When you write the addition sentences, make sure that the number of "numbers" is the same as the number of groups in the picture, and that you calculate the total each time. The addition sentences can be written in your green book without the pictures if you are unable to print the sheet.
We have also included some problem solving in the Word document if you would like an extra challenge.
The White Rose video corresponding to this lesson is video 3 - Add equal groups. Please click the link at the bottom of the page to watch this if you need to recap or catch-up the learning from the zoom.