Summer Term Week Beginning 23rd May 2022
This week, we will continue learning English alongside history. We will learn more about the life of William Shakespeare, examining artefacts and having experiences to increase our knowledge of his life.
If you cannot be in school, learn more about his life by watching Who was William Shakespeare? - BBC Bitesize. Take turns with your adult to say a fact that you learnt. Look at the "Did You Know?" section of the webpage. We will be creating our own "Did You Know?" display in school. Please write your favourite facts as full sentences to add to our display. Check that you have used capital letters for the start of the sentence and any names. Check that you have used a full stop for the end of the sentence. You might like to trim your paper so that it becomes the shape of a thought bubble.
*If your child is at an early stage in their learning journey, they can record their facts as pictures and labels with your support.*
Past Home Learning 2020 and 2021