Week Beginning 4th October 2021
We have been learning to retell the story Peace at Last by Jill Murphy. If you search for this book online, there are many lovely videos that show it being read. Your child might enjoy watching at least one of these videos with you, but please view it first to ensure that it is suitable.
We will check that we can remember the sequence of the events in the story. Your child could order the pictures below. The pictures could be printed, cut out and arranged. Alternatively, you could discuss how to number them while looking at them on the screen with your child.
Take turns with your child to tell each part of the story in a full sentence. For example, you might say, "Mr Bear, Mrs Bear and Baby Bear were tired." Your child might then say, "They all went to bed". Encourage your child to add some adjectives to the sentences, for example, noisy clock or uncomfortable car.
At the end of the week, we will write as much of the story as we can. We will aim to use full sentences with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Ask your child to write a sentence for the start of the story, using the word mat to help them. If they are confident, ask them to write more of the story. If they are not yet confident writing a full sentence, support them in writing simple labels for an appealing picture from the book.
In handwriting, we have been working on forming the letter c and then the letters a, o, d, g and q, which all start with the c shape. Please visit the handwriting section for a practice sheet.