Tuesday, 7th July
Maths - compare and order angles
Today we want you do add some detail to each part of your story map. This is adding notes, not writing in sentences.
Add in:
- Feelings – how do the characters feel at each stage of your story? Do not do all the characters for each part, only pick one but try to mix them up. E.G. you might write about Fred’s feelings to start with, then in the next part write about Lila’s, then the next part about Con’s etc.
- Descriptions – Katherine Rundell uses some amazing descriptions throughout her writing and makes you feel like you are there. Go back through your plan and add adjectives, similes, colours, smells, touch, taste.
- Speech – add in some direct speech. Remember direct speech also helps move a story along. It could give an insight into how someone is feeling, tell us more about someone, or inform us about something which might happen. Only use a few lines for direct speech.
See main page and 'Topic Resources' for activities for the week.